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Why choose Life Synergy for Youth?

These programs go past the surface and deal with the reality of what is going on in today’s school environment and the family dynamics that play a role in students’ lives. This speaks to the community at large and empowers people to make changes to improve the lives of others.  Tools are provided to staff to allow for a common language and reduce the loss of class time caused by student disruptions .

The consequences of a person’s actions are explored both on the positive and negative side.  Most students state that this program was “Life Changing” and staff have never experience something so, “Thought Provoking” in their careers.  The staff are noticing significant changes in students actions and behaviours and the school culture.

A simple phone call will allow Dwayne to explain in further detail the power of this program.

The Life Synergy for Youth programs provide a comprehensive approach to dealing with bullying and challenges within school communities.

Helping to create an environment where all students understand that positive and negative consequences are attached to the choices they make each day and creates a safe school environment for students to learn in. This feeling of safety not only takes away the fear and power imbalance that exists in schools, it creates a culture in which students are recognized for their caring behaviours, compassion, and empathy.

Establishing a Climate of Safety and Respect

The Life Synergy for Youth program involves students, teachers, and the community in an effort to eliminate bullying from their schools and create an awareness of Social Responsibility, including respect amongst students, teachers and community members. An experienced school consultant, Dwayne Peace, provides professional experience at professional development workshops, parent information nights, school assemblies and classroom presentations.

Experience has shown that the work Dwayne does in schools helps to reduce bullying behaviour, increases acceptance and caring behaviour, and creates a climate of safety and respect within the school community.

Scope of the Problem

Facts about life’s choices:

  • Children under age 12 may not have a good understanding of what is reality and what is not (eg.what programs and video games are today’s children viewing).
  • In Canada, an episode of bullying occurs every 7.5 minutes on the playground, and every 20 minutes in the classroom.
  • Health Risks: The effects of Marijuana can last from 24 – 48 hours and one Marijuana joint has the same harmful health effects as smoking a pack of cigarettes.
  • Smokers are about 20 times more likely to develop lung cancer than non-smokers.
  • Smoking rates in 2013 were 15%, which is 4.2 million smokers. This is the lowest national smoking rate ever recorded. In 2012 it was 16%.
  • Smoking rates for youth stayed the same with 11% of young people (15–19 years old) currently smoking in 2013.
  • Students who begin drinking before age 15 are four times more likely to become an alcoholic or alcohol dependant later on in life than those who begin at age 21. An Impaired Driving Conviction results in insurance rates tripling over the next five years.
  • Suicide is the second leading cause of death for Canadians between the ages of 10 and 24. Each year, on average, 294 youths die from suicide.
  • Among youth in grades 7-9 who reported current cigarette smoking, 83% had used cannabis in the last 12 months, compared to the 4% of youth that had never tried smoking cigarettes. For youth in grades 10-12, among current cigarette smokers, 82% had used cannabis in the last 12 months, compared to the 17% of youth that had never tried smoking cigarettes.
  • Almost 37,000 Canadians died from tobacco use in 2012, down from 48,000 in 1998.
  • Adults who were bullied as children are more likely to suffer from depression in adulthood.
  • Second-hand smoke causes at least 800 deaths in Canadian non-smokers from lung cancer and heart disease every year (Health Canada, 2006).