Staff P.D. Day:
This day was developed at the request of several schools to deal with issues that exist within the staff and staff room. It is meant to cause staff members to think about what they can do to create a better working environment within the school and a better learning environment for the
students. Also, to celebrate the great things they are doing as a staff. Not all of the following
points are covered. It may change as the day progresses including input from Admin. and staff.
This day covers:
– Perceptions of the staff to other staff and students and their parents
– Conflict resolution
– Accepting responsibility for one’s actions
– Why did they become a teacher – what is their WHY
– Observations of inside some schools, staff dynamics, lack of respect and other issues
– Exercise – In my heart – everybody has a story
– Open discussion
– Who is rescuing the staff – Self-care
– An inside look into the lives of today’s youth
– Amazing opportunities that teacher’s have to make a difference
– Communicating with one another verbal and non-verbal
– Workplace bullying
– Sexual harassment
– Change is needed
– Small group work to identify what changes they want to see occur within the school
– Work through a process on how to begin to make those changes occur
– What are some of the friction points – leaving early, arriving late for lunch supervision,
– What support do they need from other staff members
– Table for equipment, a screen, power to the table – morning
– Tables for staff members to work on
– In the afternoon small group workshop and circle group discussion – all day
– Name tags for all staff members – all day
– Paper, pens, lined poster paper, markers, and tape – afternoon