A Wealth of Knowledge and Experience
Dwayne had our students and staff captivated as soon as he started to talk. He has a wealth of knowledge and experience and draws deep inside himself to share with all of us. It is a pleasure to have Dwayne come to our school and spend time with our community, we look forward to having him come back very soon!
High School Administrator, Northern Alberta Rural School – 2023
Not only educational, but truly life changing.
Participating in this workshop is not only educational, but truly life changing. Dwayne is a fast-talking fountain of information who presents the facts without being dictatorial. He opens participants eyes to the realities children face when trying to navigate high school. He opens parents’ eyes as well. Can’t thank you enough for the experience and can’t wait to have you back.
High School Teacher, Northern Alberta Rural School – 2023
The Opportunity to Gain Empathy and Learn From Each Other
Hello Students and Parents,
We have had a very powerful week with Dwayne Peace large group, small group, and the parent sessions. Thanks to everyone that took part. The feedback from the students was overwhelmingly positive and several of our students indicated that this was the single most important thing they have done in school. This week has had a significant impact on the perspectives of staff and students alike. We invest significant energy into relations, be it at school, at work, or at home. We are all impacted to varying degrees by drama, rumors, gossip,
bullying, and power. Having the unified desire to change the expectations for each other, provides all members of the community the opportunity to gain empathy and learn from each other. I encourage parents and students to keep the conversations going.
If you haven’t had an opportunity to discuss with your students, try discussing some of these things that Dwayne mentioned, including:
- Bullying being a DR_G – The only thing that is missing is “U” when it comes to utilizing
drama, rumors, and gossip. - Not knowing what people have in their backpacks and adding bricks. Everyone is going
through something, and we are better, kinder people when we remember that. - Removing bricks with three compliments a day.
- We all get to choose. Good choices = Good consequences, Bad choices = bad
consequences - Own your decisions and your mistakes.
As a staff, we have been so moved by how this week has gone and this feels like a positive starting point to building the culture we want to see in our school. Thank you for your support as parents and students for seeing the benefit of this week.
Take care,
Our Daughter Came Home Today Feeling Empowered
Hey there I wanted to send a message to express how grateful we are for your time spent at our school this week. My husband and I attended the parent portion on Monday and our daughter informed us that you had spent time in her classroom today. What a wonderful opportunity for these kids. I just wanted to reach out to thank you. She has unfairly been a target for far too long and it is so difficult to watch. I fear that with one student in particular, the severity is only increasing as behaviours continue to escalate. In your presentation you shared that it starts at home … with the parents. And sadly, this IS the case. The parents of this student seem to share the same agenda to bully and intimidate and our entire family sadly has been their target for a
duration of time. Being in a small community where everyone seems to have some sort of connection to this family, has made it really difficult to navigate and resolve. It has felt unsafe and unsteady and has compromised our household’s mental health in many negative ways. The reason I share this with you, is that if this bullying continues, we need to feel confident that our daughter is supported through high school as some recent incidents have raised many concerns.
We have been uncertain that the issues will be properly addressed because of the connections to this particular family. Your presence in the school this week has given us hope that things CAN be better. Our daughter came home today feeling empowered. Feeling heard. Feeling supported. We need to do better. We need to be better. And after her classroom shared, perhaps they will start. Perhaps there will be some positive change. I am hopeful that tomorrow’s class receives the same message and has similar outcomes and that this particular student will too be able to benefit and have a better understanding on the impact of her actions. Again, thank you for all that you do. For the dedication and passion you display to raise awareness around difficult topics and allow these youth to have a voice while feeling safe and supported. I am confident that our daughter will remember today for the rest of her life.
A Newfound Understanding and Empathy Towards Fellow Classmates
The small group session with Dwayne was an unbelievable experience that immediately created an unbreakable bond with and appreciation for all students I was blessed to share with. Dwayne being open and honest set the stage for what was going to be an emotional rollercoaster and it did not disappoint. The three hours flew by and there were so many students that realized they were not all that different from everyone else. There are more things that can unite us than divide us.
Everybody’s got a story and Dwayne just helped us all share it. It is so true that the more you put into the session, the more you’ll get out. The environment was a very safe space and all students showed incredible humility and support for their peers. It is only a few days removed from the session, but I can already feel this class has a newfound understanding and empathy towards their fellow classmates and I’m hoping this extends to the entire school community.
From Male high school teacher of 27 years – 2023
The Best Assembly Ever
My son came home today from your presentation at his high school and said this was the best
assembly ever. Dwayne touched upon all the topics for us (meaning teenagers). He had everyone
engaged and everyone in that assembly could relate to at least 2-3 items he talked about. I
REALLY liked it mom.
Now, this testimony comes from a child who doesn’t necessarily talk too much about school
happenings. Nor does he share a lot about what his thoughts are, mostly because he isn’t a fan of
Thank you again for hosting our grade 9 – 12 students, he can’t wait for Friday’s group session
and his dad to come to the parent session.
From the Mother of a Grade 9 student – 2023
Empathy changing school culture
Dwayne Peace first came to our school in November 2016. At the time, we were struggling with the mental health of our students. In the first three months of the school year, we had eight students hospitalized due to suicidal ideation. Dwayne’s school assembly presentation “Life’s Challenges in Secondary School” had a huge impact on the student body and the mental health of our school. The three hour presentation captivated the entire audience, and allowed students and homeroom classes to identify areas that they need to work on in the weeks and months to follow. Students overwhelmingly agreed that all high school students need to hear this message! The presentation was well suited for grade 7-12 students. In the following days, all of our students took part in a small group session which I would recommend to all grade 9-12 students. Students strongly agreed that the small groups had an impact on how they view themselves, their friends, and all the other students in the school. The level of empathy in the school increased dramatically. As an administrator, I was pleasantly surprised with the impact staff taking part in the small groups had on improving the positive relationships between staff and students. Overall, Dwayne’s presentation substantially contributed to the change in our school culture from being on the edge and being reactive to being proactive with various mental health programs. Dwayne continues to work with the school and parents in our community.
Thanks Dwayne!
Saskatchewan Principal
Valhalla Community School
Dear Dwayne,
I want to thank you for the time you spent with our school this past week. Working with our junior high students, our grade 4-6’s, our parents and staff, you’ve given us much to think about!
Your sessions were powerful, intense, very practical and deeply motivating. We’ve already seen that your time with our junior high students has ‘struck home’ with many of them … inspiring visible attitude changes within days of the session.
Our parents found the evening parent session to be very valuable and want to have your message made available to their other children who are not in our school. I’m hoping that we can repeat the parent session and get more parents the second time around!
The Professional Development day you spent with our staff was conceivably the best session we’ve ever had in terms of building relationships and personal development. I believe that the vulnerability and honesty that day will lead our staff to personal and relational growth which can have profound, positive impacts for our students!
I’m so glad that one of our parents had heard about your work and pointed us in your direction. Your message is one we needed at this time and we appreciate how you’ve made yourself available to our staff and parents on an ongoing basis. We’ll be looking forward to continuing to partner with you in service of our students and their families!
Until next time, please accept my personal thanks for what you’ve given us through your presentations and workshops!
Steve Mumert
Valhalla Community School
Signed Letterhead can be viewed here
Penn State – The Pennsylvania State University

Dear Dwayne,
I want to thank you for coming to Penn State University to the Beaver, Shenango, and New Kensington campuses in August. I cannot tell you the impact that you left on our University.
For the last several years, Penn State has been rebuilding since 2011 when we learned that one of our own had damaged the reputation of our University and the lives of so many children and adults, and the community in general. Your program in my opinion is what our University needs as we continue to heal. I believe that it is very important for us to take advantage of these opportunities to understand human behavior and how we can support each other.

Such a powerful message and so simple to understand.
Good afternoon Dwayne, I was at the parent evening last night. My daughter (grade 11) was in your group session and my son (grade nine) also listened to you speak. I wanted to say thank you. Such a powerful message and so simple to understand. In today’s society it is very easy to get caught up in negativity.
After the session yesterday a girl spoke to my daughter and said very kind words in regards to what she shared in the small group session. It also opened up a path of conversation between her and a friend who had gone there separate ways. Such a positive impact in such a short amount of time. She was glowing with inspiration last night.
I am not entirely sure why I feel the need to share this with you.(I am not a big sharer outside our family) I left your session thinking; we are on the right track…but how can we do better? These thoughts are in a positive manner. If a person can take some of your information and put it to use in everyday life….what a different world we would live in.
I have emailed the principle as well thanking him for having you speak at our school and encouraged more of this interaction would be wonderful.
Thank you again for taking the time with the students/parents. You are very inspiring.
(Mom of two participants)