Dwayne Peace first came to our school in November 2016. At the time, we were struggling with the mental health of our students. In the first three months of the school year, we had eight students hospitalized due to suicidal ideation. Dwayne’s school assembly presentation “Life’s Challenges in Secondary School” had a huge impact on the student body and the mental health of our school. The three hour presentation captivated the entire audience, and allowed students and homeroom classes to identify areas that they need to work on in the weeks and months to follow. Students overwhelmingly agreed that all high school students need to hear this message! The presentation was well suited for grade 7-12 students. In the following days, all of our students took part in a small group session which I would recommend to all grade 9-12 students. Students strongly agreed that the small groups had an impact on how they view themselves, their friends, and all the other students in the school. The level of empathy in the school increased dramatically. As an administrator, I was pleasantly surprised with the impact staff taking part in the small groups had on improving the positive relationships between staff and students. Overall, Dwayne’s presentation substantially contributed to the change in our school culture from being on the edge and being reactive to being proactive with various mental health programs. Dwayne continues to work with the school and parents in our community.
Thanks Dwayne!
Saskatchewan Principal